What to expect and how to prepare for your Akashic Record Reading

How to Prepare and what to expect

I am deeply honored and very much looking forward to your Akashic record reading. Every reading is different and unique to your souls history. As unique as we all are, so are our Akashic records and the way we define them.

If any language in this description does not resonate with you, leave it and use what language suits you best.

Within your Akashic records, is the entire vibrational history of your souls journey in this lifetime, and former lifetimes if you believe you’ve had them. Within this realm contains every thought, truth, and experience in these lifetimes, as well as your supportive forces. These supportive forces are your spirit guides, masters, teachers, ancestors, and other compassionate energies, whose presence is dedicated and excited to guide you on your souls journey, your highest potentials, and your life lessons and themes.

To begin I will use my Pathway Prayer to open your Akashic Records. At the end of the prayer I will announce that your records are open. During this time your records are open I will ask for any opening and closing messages your guides have for you. We will make sacred space any questions you bring.

Your Questions

During the reading you are encouraged to bring forward about 1-3 questions, or topics you’d like guidance, clarity or insight on. These can include past events in this lifetime and others, present and future potentials, and your souls purpose and themes. The net of questions is vast, although specific timelines questions are difficult as time is not a determining factor in the Akashic records. All questions are welcome without judgement. The Akashic perspective offers a lens of deep compassion, understanding and appreciation of each individual soul and it’s journey through dark and light sides of self. I will hold these questions with the highest respect for your experience.

Sample Questions can be found below.

How will these questions be answered?

While in your Akashic records I enter a deep listening, and at times there will be silence. I typically receive messages in what is referred to as “downloads” in the form of words, images, and very often nature centered metaphors. At times there are answers and images that I do not entirely understand the relevance of, these will always be communicated. It is my sacred duty to communicate these messages without any ego or personal intervention.

The guidance offered in your records is powerful, for your highest purpose and infused with soul level love. Understand that some messages may not entirely resonate at this exact time. Each answer is meant to move you, or sit with you. Some messages will resonate more than others at different times.

If ever you feel the reading is not resonating with you, please let me know and we will quickly close the records and you will not be charged. Your experience is central.

At the end of the reading I will read a short closing and announce that your records have been closed. Your Akashic record reading is complete ♥

Read my Personal Pathway to the Akashic Records here

I am so grateful to share this with you. It is yours to use and edit however resonates with you.

Sample Questions

What life lessons have I committed to learning in this lifetime?

What kind of potentials does this business idea have?

How can I best support my child/parent/partner?

What are some physical practices that will benefit me and lead to my most embodied self?

Are there any experiences from past lives which are affecting my present life?

Remember any and all questions are welcome. No question is too big or too small. You do not need to have a certain belief system, or the belief that you have lived past lives in order to receive the messages intended for you.