My Pathway Prayer into the Akashic Records

This Pathway Prayer is being presented in first person as a reading for self. During your reading your name and pronouns will be used. The Pathway Prayer includes an opening and main body stanzas ending with announcing that the records have been opened. After the reading we give gratitude and the closing stanzas are read, closing your records. I include an optional stanza to keep you tethered to your source of consciousness, if you choose.


Ascendents, masters, teachers and guides of source whose presence is to support and give unconditional truths…

Those source beings who reside in all realms, corners and planes of existence from right next to me to distances I may one day reach…

I come to you seeking truths and messages from the state of love, messages which are intended to reach my soul and direct me in my emergence, becoming, life lessons, creative expression and my sacred birthrights.

I am one with these sacred beings and truths, as I am.

I am connected because I choose to be, and the source of my consciousness has guided me here in this awakened moment, in times I did not know it’s name or it’s presence.

Silence ego and any intervening energies, and amplify the most supportive messages for me.

Awaken and empower my energetic fields and anatomy.

Amplify the voices of my soul source energy and community dedicated to my development.

Awaken every cell and sense in my physical body.

From the depths of my heart center, I ask for truths to see and trust to speak.

Shine light on my essential self, the self that transcends lifetimes on earth, the part that is woven into all.

Invite me to new perspectives, clarity and soul truths that can guide me in my purposes in this lifetime.

I seek these truth so that I can expand, embody, and honor my birthrights.

The Records are now open, infinite thanks

The Records are now open, and I am ready for receiving

The Records are now open and it is blessed.

Expression of gratitude, and optional stanza to keep you tethered to source

My thanks knows no boundaries and expands in all directions forever.

I am reminded of my permissions, and agency, to integrate what I need and when.

I send infinite gratitude to source energy for divine support.

(Hold my spirit in compassionate hands and keep me tethered to this supportive realm )


The Records are now closed, infinite thanks

The Records are now closed, and I honor the messages received

The Records are now closed and it is blessed.